Legal Details and credits


wh-p GmbH Beratende Ingenieure

Represented by the Managing Directors Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Held and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Stumpf

Curiestr. 2
70563 Stuttgart


Tel: +49 711 9788 40
Fax: +49 711 9788 419


Commercial register:

District court Stuttgart
Registry number: HRB 15830

Value Added Tax Identification Number:
DE 158 239 708


Occupational title and regulating authority:

The Managing Partners Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Held, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Stumpf are each accredited as consulting engineers according to § 17 (1) Chamber of Engineers Legislation Baden-Württemberg in Germany at the Chamber of Engineers Baden-Württemberg, Zellerstraße 26, D-70180 Stuttgart.


Professional indemnity insurance:

A professional indemnity insurance for engineers exists for Weischede, Herrmann und Partner wh-p GmbH with a limit of liability of € 5,000,000 across-the-board for personal injuries and € 5,000,000 for other injuries (material damage and financial loss) with:

German Savings Banks Insurance
Contact partner Thomas Candidus

Tel.: +49 711 898 - 15 47
Löwentorstraße 65
70376 Stuttgart

Policy territory for the insurance: worldwide without USA/US-Territories and Canada


Legal Occupational Regulations:

The relevant legal occupational regulations such as the German Engineer’s Law, The Chamber of Engineer’s Law, and the code of ethics can be found at such as the Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers can be found at such as the State Building Regulations Baden-Würrtemberg can be found at

Information on extrajudicial settlements of disputes arising from professionalism between chamber members or between chamber members and third parties (involved), on the arbitration committees regularly set up and on the arbitration process can be found in the conciliation act at


Concept, design, programming, and support for the Website:

feedback media design

Hermannstraße 5
70178 Stuttgart

Tel.: + 49 711 220708-00


Photography (corporate portraits):

Klaus Mellenthin and Arne Hartenburg for Klaus Mellenthin Photography

Regensburger Str. 9
10777 Berlin

Hohenzollernstr. 7-9
70178 Stuttgart

Tel: + 49 30 2191 66 99 
